Catamount Reservoir

Fun fact for you – Catamount means “cat of the mountain” or mountain lion.  We were on the lookout today for some, but we didn’t see any.  Or bears.  In all the years we have lived in Colorado Springs, we had never been to Catamount Reservoir.  I’m really glad we found this gem of a hiking trail.

We were a bit worried at first, as the route we took to get there started on the Pike’s Peak Highway (you do get a discounted rate – it was $4 per adult).  It was mega touristy, but the road to the reservoir was not at all.  In reading after we got home, it looks like there are a few routes that allow you to hike in from Green Mountain Falls and the surrounding area).

It started out simply enough, with a short walk through a section of Aspen trees.


And then the trail opened up to this view. 


We just stood in awe for a while.


We very slowly meandered through the trees, the trail following closely to the edge of the reservoir.


Down onto the shore & back into the trees again.


We happened upon this neat, little lean-to… reminds me of the book, Megan’s Island I used to read as a kid.


We walked & we talked.



I’m not a huge fan of fishing… but after seeing this guy out on that rock, casting his line – made me want to bring a pole next time. 


We even got a picture with all of us looking in the same direction!  A small miracle, indeed.


I hope you all had a beautiful Saturday!